[sacred] Slow Mix
Eugene Chechkovsky
wihiss на mail.ru
Чт Мар 22 15:16:03 MSK 2007
22.03.07, www.depeche-mode.ru <info на depeche-mode.ru> написал(а):
> Может как-то выцепить Гарета Джонса и спросить у него? :)))
No problemo. Написал ему email с текстом следующего содержания:
I have got a question about Depeche Mode's "It's Called A Heart" track
(Slow Mix) at which you worked a lot of years ago. :-)
How did you reach that amazing effect with Dave's and Martin's vocals? I
mean they are too slow as well as main theme. Did they (Martin and Dave)
re-sing that or this is just "technical" issue? :-)
Посмотрим что ответит. :-)
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